Report Results for

109 Kerr Blvd Poteau, OK

109 Kerr Blvd Poteau, OK was built in 1977 The property has a lot size of 218,671 Sq Ft and is listed as a Distribution Warehouse (Regional). If you are looking to buy or rent a property, use USPhoneBook's property database to avoid rental scams, understand tax liabilities, and get a sense of the property's value over time. You can also check out the neighborhood section and see nearby homes, last sold for prices, tax records and more.
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Public Facts

Square Feet
Lot Square Feet

Property Characteristics

Property Type
Year Built
Mar 14, 2023
Last Sold
Poteau Indust Park
Distribution Warehouse (Regional)
Zoning Type

Property History

Price History

Tax History

There is currently no price history available.
Year Taxes Assesments
2017 $ 3,742 0 % $ 43,667
2016 $ 3,709 -1 % $ 43,675
2015 $ 3,782 -3 % $ 43,675
2014 $ 3,912 ---- $ 44,796
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People Living at Kerr St Poteau, OK


Grove Ave
Poteau, OK


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