Report Results for

8090 Eden Rd APT 133 Eden Prairie, MN

8090 Eden Rd APT 133 Eden Prairie, MN was built in 2001 and last sold for $3,700,000 The property has a lot size of 207,346 Sq Ft and is listed as a Apartment house (100+ units). If you are looking to buy or rent a property, use USPhoneBook's property database to avoid rental scams, understand tax liabilities, and get a sense of the property's value over time. You can also check out the neighborhood section and see nearby homes, last sold for prices, tax records and more.
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Public Facts

Last Sold
Square Feet
Lot Square Feet

Property Characteristics

Property Type
Year Built
Dec 20, 2017
Last Sold
Forced air unit
Lincoln Parc Apartments
Apartment house (100+ units)
Zoning Type

Property History

Price History

Tax History

There is currently no price history available.
Year Taxes Assesments
2023 $ 650,855 0 %
2022 $ 652,195 4 % $ 44,036,000
2021 $ 626,156 3 % $ 42,016,000
2020 $ 603,865 2 % $ 41,452,000
2019 $ 587,771 0 % $ 34,605,000
2018 $ 585,058 7 % $ 33,500,000
2017 $ 544,561 8 % $ 31,500,000
2016 $ 503,579 1 % $ 28,572,000
2015 $ 497,497 ---- $ 27,032,000
2014 ---- $ 25,701,000
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People Living at 12100 Singletree Ln Eden Prairie, MN

Sujan Kadam Sujan B Kadam , Age 37

Lives at 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133
Prior addresses: 8570 Magnolia Trl, APT 203, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7621 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8570 Magnolia Trl, APT 203 8570 Magnolia Trl, APT 409, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7622 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8570 Magnolia Trl, APT 409 8570 Magnolia Trl, APT 214, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7621 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8570 Magnolia Trl, APT 214

Dinesh Ramachandran Dinesh Ramachandran , Age 30

Lives at 8010 Agua Dulce, San Antonio, TX 78249-3890 San Antonio TX 78249 8010 Agua Dulce
Prior addresses: 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133 6803 Seco Creek St, APT 10304, San Antonio, TX 78256-1097 San Antonio TX 78256 6803 Seco Creek St, APT 10304 15800 Chase Hill Blvd, APT 3001, San Antonio, TX 78256-1061 San Antonio TX 78256 15800 Chase Hill Blvd, APT 3001

Daksha Khichadia Daksha Khichadia

Lives at 15131 Plumstone Dr, Eden Prairie, MN 55347-5069 Eden Prairie MN 55347 15131 Plumstone Dr
Prior addresses: 9587 Grey Widgeon Pl, Eden Prairie, MN 55347-2746 Eden Prairie MN 55347 9587 Grey Widgeon Pl 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133 3500 Secretariat Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906-4619 West Lafayette IN 47906 3500 Secretariat Dr
Relatives: Nirav Khichadia

Prakash Khichadia Prakash Khichadia

Lives at 15131 Plumstone Dr, Eden Prairie, MN 55347-5069 Eden Prairie MN 55347 15131 Plumstone Dr
Prior addresses: 9587 Grey Widgeon Pl, Eden Prairie, MN 55347-2746 Eden Prairie MN 55347 9587 Grey Widgeon Pl 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133 3500 Secretariat Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906-4619 West Lafayette IN 47906 3500 Secretariat Dr
Relatives: Nirav Khichadia

Adithya Sridharan Adithya Sridharan , Age 29

Lives at 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133
Prior addresses: 1100 W Corral Ave, APT 16, Kingsville, TX 78363-3003 Kingsville TX 78363 1100 W Corral Ave, APT 16 727 W C Ave, Kingsville, TX 78363-3623 Kingsville TX 78363 727 W C Ave

Chandrakanth Barad Chandrakanth Barad , Age 41

Lives at 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133
Prior addresses: 13050 Dahlia Cir, APT 318, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7639 Eden Prairie MN 55344 13050 Dahlia Cir, APT 318 13025 Dahlia Cir, APT 217, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7637 Eden Prairie MN 55344 13025 Dahlia Cir, APT 217 49 Cavalier Ln, Holtsville, NY 11742-1602 Holtsville NY 11742 49 Cavalier Ln

Karteek Chunchu Karteek Chunchu , Age 36

Lives at 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7690 Eden Prairie MN 55344 8090 Eden Rd, APT 133
Prior addresses: 11 Lakeland Ct, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046-1800 Mountain Lakes NJ 07046 11 Lakeland Ct 13050 Dahlia Cir, APT 202, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7600 Eden Prairie MN 55344 13050 Dahlia Cir, APT 202 12145 Brisben Pl, Cincinnati, OH 45249-8103 Cincinnati OH 45249 12145 Brisben Pl


Eden Prairie, MN

6550 Flying Cloud Dr
Eden Prairie, MN

8100 Eden Rd
Eden Prairie, MN

7920 Wallace Rd
Eden Prairie, MN


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