Report Results for

922 Sw 356th St Federal Way, WA

922 Sw 356th St Federal Way, WA If you are looking to buy or rent a property, use USPhoneBook's property database to avoid rental scams, understand tax liabilities, and get a sense of the property's value over time. You can also check out the neighborhood section and see nearby homes, last sold for prices, tax records and more.

People Living at 922 Sw 356th st Federal way, WA

Awet Ghebreslassie Awet K Ghebreslassie , Age 46

Lives at 922 SW 356th St, Federal Way, WA 98023-7203 Federal Way WA 98023 922 SW 356th St
Prior addresses: 19800 International Blvd, APT G203, Seatac, WA 98188-5490 Seatac WA 98188 19800 International Blvd, APT G203 3201 S 192nd St, APT E311, Seatac, WA 98188-5362 Seatac WA 98188 3201 S 192nd St, APT E311

Public Facts

Property Characteristics

Knowing the specific of a property can help you evaluate whether 922 Sw 356th St Federal Way, WA meets your requirements and expectations. Some general property characteristics that you may want to consider:

  • Property Type: Determine whether the property is a single-family home, condominium, townhouse, or another type of residence.
  • Bedrooms and Bathrooms: The number of bedrooms and bathrooms can greatly impact how compatible the property is for you.
  • Year Built: Understanding the age of the property can provide a lot of insight to its condition and potential maintenance requirements.
  • Lot Size & Square Footage: It’s important to know the size of the land and the property.
  • Other Amenities & Features: Consider any other amenities and features, such as a pool, garage, backyard, proximity to parks and schools.

Property Price History / Property Tax History

Understanding the historical pricing trends or tax history of 922 Sw 356th St Federal Way, WA should be a vital factor in your decision-making process. Using sales prices from comparable properties in the area can help you make an educated assumption about the property price and taxes. Make sure they have similar characteristics such as size, age, and condition.


The community and neighborhood dynamics can have an effect on your property. We encourage you to engage with the local community at 922 Sw 356th St Federal Way, WA and explore the neighborhood to get a sense of the environment. You can see properties surrounding 922 Sw 356th St Federal Way, WA at [47.282830,-122.347600]


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If you're having difficulty finding your specific property, we suggest narrowing your search results by omitting the apartment number and spelling out any truncated words such as "rd" to "road". If you're still unable to locate the address, try searching for a neighbor's address first and navigating to the neighborhood section to see if it's listed there. If these steps don't work, please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Can the property data be altered?
Our database is generated using information from public sources and private repositories, which means that the information displayed here cannot be altered by realtors, owners, or any other individuals.